1st CIBio-CBIC Workshop -2017
XIII Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence
Held on:

Counting down the days for the 1st CIBio
Important dates and more information
Biomathematics can be seen as a broad scientific area including areas such as biomechanics/systemic biology and systems biology. On the other hand, computational intelligence can be seen as a broad scientific area including artificial neural networks and evolutionary computing.
On this workshop, we shall see what is biomathematics and its ramifications, e.g. systems biology, and how they can be supported by methodologies from computational intelligence, e.g. in parameters estimations and patterns search (e.g., in gene expression).
Deadline for submissions
Acceptance notification
Send you paper in PDF to jorgeguerrabrazil@gmail.com
If you have any question or suggestion, please, do not hesitate, contact me.
Area of interest
This workshop aims at:
Biomathematicians working with Computational Intelligence (e.g., mathematical modeling);
People from computational intelligence working with biomathematical problems (e.g., image processing);
Medical doctors and biologists working with/interested in biomathematics and/or computational intelligence (e.g., neuromathematics);
Artificial intelligence Medicine/biology (e.g., medical condition segmentations);
Problems that may appear:
Image processing in medicine and biology (e.g., medical condition segmentation);
Neural networks as means for mathematical modeling (e.g., nonlinear regression and learning machine);
Parameter estimation via computational intelligence (e.g., evolutionary computing as a means of optimization);
New methodological procedures aiming at overpassing classical modeling, called “white box models”, or “bottom-up approaches”.
More here
See all the workshops at the same event here.
Paper submission
The authors should follow the instruction in the website: http://cbic2017.org/Submissions, for complete papers; for short papers, up to 2 pages, one should follow the same instruction. We are studying the possibility to have poster sections for opening space for works in different stages of completion.
More details will come soon: paper submission.
For now, in case of double, contact: jorgeguerrabrazil@gmail.com
The workshop will be held alongside the CBIC 2017.
The XIII Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence -XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional- (CBIC 2017) that will take place at the Institute of Computing of the Universidade Federal Fluminense in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 30 October to 1 November 2017.
CBIC is a bi-annual conference organized by the Brazilian Society of Computational Intelligence (SBIC, formerly SBRN). Since 2015, it also counts with the support of the Brazilian Association of Computational Intelligence (ABRICOM).
CBIC 2017 aims to provide a high-level international forum for scientists, researchers, engineers, professionals and educators to disseminate their latest research results and exchange views of the future research directions in the area of computational intelligence.
See for more: http://cbic2017.org/




I am the organizer of the workshop, please, contact me for questions.
Invited collaborators: Robert Smith?, Roberto Maggio, Pasquale Palumbo, Adriana Dawes, Elissa Schwartz, Alessandro Borri and Marco Nobile.

We do not have any financial support. If you can donate any amount, we shall use the money for making the workshop more interesting.
Please, use the button below, and make it using PayPal. Just for verification purposes, please, inform me regarding your donation and how you would like to be paid back, e.g. your name in the website.