Yes, please do it! as alternative, you can send questions in advance.
Sample of live with Q&A section
Important points about Q&A sections:
They are live, i.e., they happen as the live goes. Think of a classroom, and the students is asking the professor; this is the same, except for being live and not to stop de lessons, since comments/question are "silent";
You can use comments to talk with others, without messing up the live; open your mind, this is a new world, make questions and comments as it goes, no holding back;
They remain available after the live has ended;
They work as 'bass in a song': pase the rhythm during and after the live ended: when someone sees the video, they will see your comments in the same moment as you did. Therefore, make question as it goes, no need to hold back. I will be deciding when to ask the speaker, wait for the moment. For sure, we will have a final discussion; nonetheless, do not hold back, I will make sure the question are addressed at the proper moment, but do it whenever you please.

Do not forget to have fun!
