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My selected assays from Medium on Computer programming: Angular, JavaScript, Machine Learning, TensorFlow.js and more! Vol 1.
I code for about 15 years, focused on the academic world, scientific computing. I was first in class on undergrad, and kept my passion to coding until now.
On this book, I want to share with you this passion by thoughts! I have selected some topic I do enjoy talking about, and people reacted to it online positively, on Medium.
The best of the best for you, for free for two days, grab your copy and have fun!
Computational Thinking: How computers think, decide and learn, when human limits start and computers champ, vol. 1
In 2013, I wrote a book[1]. At the time, I wanted to explain neural networks in simple terms, I had high school students at my mind. I have expressed my concerns that machine learning was dominating the world, and people had no idea about it, smartphones were not popular in Brazil, and started go gain attention as personal computers. Deep learning started to gain momentum on 2012, and nowadays is kind of the rule. At the time, YouTube was bad, pretty bad a must say: I used to save the links to my videos, as so I could avoid passing through the main page. One time Laura Pausini did a show, and she was not using underwear; the top video everywhere, with a thumbnail of a circle showing the “black spot” under her dress was the calling image. I have never seen the video (though curious!), but was everywhere on the main pages and suggested videos.