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Image by Fotis Fotopoulos

My selected assays from Medium on Computer programming

Angular, JavaScript, Machine Learning, TensorFlow.js and more!

Internet, social media in general, has this nice feature of making possible for anyone to spread their ideas, as said an online influencer, on TED Talks, “everyone has an opinion”, “does everyone has something interesting to say?”

Medium is a website dedicated to independent writers, mainly, like myself. Anyone can write to Medium, there is no curation or selection.

Publications are “small organizations” that select those articles: this is the counterpart of conventional/traditional publication systems. In addition to independent writings, I also write to the Publications: Geek Culture, Data Driven Investor, and JavaScript in Plain English.

Some articles here were firstly published independently, and after that, either invited or submitted to a publication, or kept as standalone article.

Image by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography

Uma introdução aos métodos matemáticos nas ciências da vida

aprendendo sobre modelos computacionais e matemáticos aplicados à biologia e medicina

Métodos matemáticos e computacionais têm sido uma ferramenta cada vez mais potente quando aplicada às ciências da vida, especialmente devido ao baixo custo dos computadores nos dias atuais, e cada vez mais potentes; computação em nuvem, ferramentas da Google de livre acesso para inteligência artificial ... tudo isso acelerou um processo já em fase de crescimento: biologia teórica matemática, ou como qualquer outro nome que se pode encontrar esse movimento científico, que tem ganhado cada vez mais apoiadores.

Image by Fakurian Design

Redes Neurais em termos simples

como aprendemos, pensamos e modelamos

Redes neurais, de forma mais específica, redes neurais artificiais são técnicas empregadas em engenharias já de algum tempo. Este livro busca tratar essas técnicas de forma simples, sem minudências. A ideia é trazer essas ferramentas cada vez mais onipresentes nas nossas vidas, independente da formação acadêmica, para um plano

Image by National Cancer Institute

On the Applicability of Computational Intelligence in Transcription Network Modelling

Master of science thesis

On this manuscript, we report the proposal of the use of computational intelligence methods as a powerful and valuable source of mathematical tools for modelling gene expression networks. Gene expression networks are modelled via transcription networks. Transcription networks are graph-oriented mathematical-computational models that attempt to understand gene expression as simpler and smaller systems named network motifs. Each type of transcription network presents a peculiar set of network motifs. On the other hand, neural networks are graph-oriented mathematical models with roots on philosophy, physiology, neuroscience, physics, computer science and other scientific branches that and they have been promising as mathematical models for modeling nonparametric data and systems with hidden laws. On the presented manuscript, we run some simulations, discuss some literatures and finish out with some discussions on the promises for possible future achievements on the field. This work is novel on the sense that it proposes on a single methodology the junction of the fields of gene expression networks and neural networks and at the same time, we give the directions for possible intelligence-based systems; called on the literature “intelligent agents”. We do not solve simple examples or stop on some specific cases; those are left for personal achievements. Key-words: Systems Biology; Neural Networks; Computational Intelligence; software engineering; bioinformatics; gene expression modelling; transcription networks.

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